“Ship it” is a concept that Seth Godin promotes, and I was challenged this way by a book that he endorsed. It’s got great implications for church and spiritual life–life in general, actually.

You see, my biggest problem is not lack of talent or ability. My  biggest problem is not work ethic. My  biggest problem is that in spite of the abilities God has given me and in spite of my efforts, I have a hard time coming up with a deliverable.

You want to pursue music. How soon can you “ship”? How soon can you play something for your friends? How soon can you start playing at church? How soon can you write your own song? How soon can you record that song and post it to Facebook for your friends? How soon can you get a “deliverable” that gives you tangible feedback on your progress?

As long as it’s just an idea, you haven’t really done anything. Many of us face an incredible internal resistance to “delivering” or “shipping”. We get ready,  work on it forever, then we stop short.

Here’s the best example I can think of. Your pastor preaches a message one Sunday. Can you have a “deliverable” by the next one? Can you have something that visibly changed? If not, you felt good because you thought about it, but in reality, nothing changed.

Maybe we are called to ministry. How soon can we get “deliverables”? Maybe it’s one friendship. Maybe it’s one meaningful conversation. But how quickly can you take it out of the abstract and actually live it out?

We as humans have an incredible power of self-deception. We  believe that thinking is doing.

It’s not.

What are the things you need to quit sitting on and get out there for the world, even if it feels like it’s not quite ready for market? You will never be perfect  enough, skilled enough, experienced enough. But will you let that stop you?

(This is what keeps me blogging, by the way.)